
well, we added to the bot a features that he can control your computer but we are not done yet, so It's just a testing but we need advanced.

So here It is!

Features: Left Click, Right Click, Single Scroll up and down, Middle Click, Bot Male UK Voices (when he types), Moving Mouse Cursor everywhere randomly position, Key binds but Copy and Paste and not all key binds, Bot can Recognized any text and buttons and also links and videos but sometimes, and also sometimes he's confusing like he don't know what to do!, and he can disconnect the program himself alone lol sometimes, so yeah That's all my guys.


IntelliControl V2.4 (Bot Computer Control).zip 10 MB
Apr 29, 2023

Get IntelliControl V2.4 (The Bot Computer Control) Made by Owner Me (Jezmo) and ChatGPT (My Helper)

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